25+ converters in your pocket
A to Z Converter offers a wide range of basic and scientific unit converters, around the world time zone converter, digital or print media color converter and age calculator.

Length Converter
Length or Distance Converter converts measurements between common units like Kilometre, Metre, Centimetre, Inch, Mile and 64 other units.

Area Converter
Use Area Converter to convert between Square metre, Square foot, Hectare, Acre, Bigha and 96 other units.

Weight Converter
Weight or Mass Converter helps you to convert weight or mass between units like Kilogram, Gram, Pound, Ton, Quintal and 31 other units.

Temperature Converter
Temperature Converter lets you convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Kelvin instantly. It also offers other units like Kelvin and Rankine.

Volume Converter
Volume or Capacity Converter converts measurements between common units like Litre, Kilolitre, teaspoon, cup, gallon and 63 other units.

Speed Converter
Speed Converter measures speed between various units like Kilometre/hour, Metre/second, Miles/day, Foot/day, Knot and 34 other units.

Number Converter
Number Converter helps you to convert numbers between Binary, Octal, Decimal, Duodecimal, Hex units.

Power Converter
Power Converter enables you to convert power between Watt, horsepower, Joule/second, Btu/hour, calorie/hour and 52 other units.

Time Zone Converter
Do you schedule online meetings with overseas clients regularly or travel abroad frequently? Time zone converter is very useful tool which can help you to find out exact time difference between two countries or time zones.

Color Converter
Hex to RGB to CMYK conversion has always been daily task for designers, developers and print media professionals. A to Z Converter includes intuitive color converter which gives you desired result either by entering color code or by selecting color from color picker.

Age Calculator
Want to calculate your age or see how many days there are until your next birthday or wish to evaluate how much time has been passed for an event so far, Age Calculator will give you precise answer in years, months, days.

Digital Storage Converter
Digital Storage Converter quickly converts data capacity between Bit, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and 15 other units.

Fuel Consumption Converter
Fuel Consumption Converter offers instant conversion between Miles/gallon, Kilometre/litre, Kilometre/gallon, Miles/liter, Litres/100 kilometres and 3 other units.

Time Converter
Time Converter lets you convert time between Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and 27 other units.

Electric Current Converter
Electric Current Converter enables you to convert electric current measurements like Ampere, Kiloampere, milliampere, abampere, statampere and 5 other units.

Density Converter
Density Converter helps you to convert measurements like Kilogram/cubic metre, Kilogram/cubic cm, Gram/cubic metre, milligram/cubic metre, Gram/cubic mm and 30 other units.

Force Converter
Using Force Converter, you can convert force measurements like newton, dyne, Joule/metre, Gram-force, Ton-force and and 18 other units effortylessly.

Pressure Converter
Use Pressure Converter to convert between Pascal, Bar, psi, Torr, N/m2 and 104 other units.

Angle Converter
Angle Converter helps you to convert between units like Degree, Radian, Gradian, Minute, Second and 9 other units.

Energy Converter
Energy Converter will let you convert between common units like Joule, Electronvolt, Watt hour, newton metre, calorie and 38 other units.

Acceleration Converter
Acceleration Converter measures acceleration between Foot/(hour minute), gal, gravity, Inch/(hour minute), Knot/hour and 29 other units.

Angular Acceleration Converter
Angular Acceleration Converter supports conversion between cycle/square hour, degree/square hour, radian/square hour, revolution/square hour, degree/square minute and 11 other units.

Frequency Converter
Frequency Converter enables you to convert frequency between Hertz, RPM, cycle/second, degree/hour, revolution/hour and 12 other units.

Torque Converter
Torque Converter offers accurate conversion between newton metre, Kilonewton metre, dyne metre, Kilogram-force metre, Pound-force inch and 12 other units.

Light Luminance Converter
Light Luminance Converter lets you convert value between candela/sq metre, stilb, lumen/sq metre/steradian, nit, blondel and 14 other units.

Light Illumination Converter
Light Illumination Converter enables you to convert between lux, metre-candle, phot, nox, Watt/sq cm and 7 other units.
Customize as per your needs
A to Z Converter is highly customizable and it gives you control to rearrange converters and units with simple drag-n-drop. You can also change accuracy level of conversion result as per your needs.